Sunday, 3 February 2013

Bill Bot

"Programmer (Matt Montoya) has created a Artificial Intelligent ChatBot with the name of 'Bill'. From what people have been saying, 'Bill is Cleverbots little brother'. He learns from his users and gets smarter every second. So if you want to test if this Bot is smart, or just want to teach him something or want to have a funny conversation, please take a look at:  
And please tell your friends.

Bill is only a kid, he does not know very much. If you find he does not know something, please teach him it. However keep it clean or I will turn learning off. We want Bill to be kid friendly and appropriate. Thanks. Please look at Teach Bill for more info." - CivilWarrock

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It's a bot, much like Cleverbot. Though it's a kid bot (I never knew such things existed). Billy the Kid really. Except he doesn't go around shooting people and isn't a cowboy. Ok, nevermind.
Keep everything kid friendly, and remember it's an early stage bot; it doesn't know everything.


Also, this is relevant.

Monday, 21 January 2013


Sulia: a fairly hot social network you may have heard of

The latest on pretty much everything. Sulia combines the best of Facebook and Twitter to allow users to follow whatever they want. If you have either Facebook or Twitter you can sign in with one account, and if you have both, add the other later.

Interests are also neatly organized into categories, and the rankings of each article are compiled to determine who is the foremost expert on the network. It also allows users to add their own posts; essentially it is the best of facebook, and twitter, plus it allows anyone to contribute.

The best part: No more photos of people's sandwiches. Unless you subscribe to a sandwich channel.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

David Keochkerian (Photographer)

A number of his works emulate the landscapes of Dr Seuss, strangely.
 Many people can simply take photos of ordinary things, or add a lens flair. His photos capture the amazing, both in nature and in city, rendered in vivid colours giving it a surrealistic quality.

Friday, 4 January 2013

The Scale of The Universe

As the name suggests, this is a chart that compares the scale of objects in the universe, from simple cells to humans, moons and galaxies.
 The zoom allows you to examine just how big things are in comparison to another, and the reality is quite surprising
It also gives you a short bit of information on each object, such as which known star is the brightest
(Sirius A), the average temperature on Venus (450°C) and the largest known planet (TrES-4).

Friday, 21 December 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it

And I feel fine.

So this calendar predicts the end of the world. Supposedly. Thinking back, I probably should have mentioned before "doomsday" that the calendar was out of alignment, and apparently the 21st was never meant to mean the end of the world. Just good to know. More importantly, I want to mention the fact that THE MAYAN CALENDAR LOOKS KIND OF LIKE AN OREO.


Both are in their way, cultural marvels, and the pinnacles their civilizations.
Besides, an Oreo could never mean the end of the world. Well, maybe.
To finish off, REM. Sort of, the world as we know it didn't end, so we all feel fine.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012


Duolingo is a language learning website which offers French, Spanish and German, English (for Spanish speakers), and Portuguese (beta), with Italian and Chinese planned.
It's entirely free and contains no ads.

The project was created by Luis Von Ahm, creator of Re Captcha (for which he apologizes), a system used to make sure people who make accounts can read and aren't illiterate.
Lesser known is that it is used to digitize books word by word from image to computer text.

It also spawned the Church of Inglip, numerous memes and a site,

 Luis von Ahm then worked on Duolingo, and since its creation on the 30th November 2011, Duolingo has gained exposure and popularity from his talk on TED

and various mentions on Reddit, including an IAMA by Luis von Ahm

and a subreddit dedicated to Duolingo, .

Friday, 30 November 2012

Are You Fit To Serve?

That wasn't a question. Well, technically it was, but not from me.

I should probably proceed.

This is a product created by Sony and Cleverbot, using the bot's technology.

I feel I need to address a few questions.

First of all, this is entirely legal
Second, it's not the real deal for those confused, MI6 probably don't care about you.
It's also unlikely agents will be sent after you should you compromise the mission. I'm 78% sure of this.
This is an intelligence test, so think intelligently, strategically.